Our second dive for the day. We have Michael
Roelens, Heinz, Wayne and I.
Viz was easy 12m and we anchored right at the head of
the sandy alcove. Across to the first cave Michael I came across a
weedie sea dragon. We took lots of photos. Really nice to
see these as they have become much rarer these days.
Then at the first cave a large cuttle but it stayed back
deep in the cave. Second cave and lots of bullseye and another
smaller cuttle. Then back the sandy alcove again past the same
weedie. Deep under the overhang a large wobbie rested, well
camouflaged. The usual one spots hanging around here, then around
and along the wall. A lovely mourning cuttle was floating high in
one of the gaps. Then back and yet another cuttle and a very large
wobbie resting in the sand. Finally a stingaree swam gracefully
across the sand.
A lovely dive with lots of variety