Moore Reef Turtle Bay  


This was our last dive for my trip. We steamed back to Moore reef where we would meet Sunkist again.  There are 3 bommies all in a row which were off the port of the ship.  We elected to go to the first one which was off the bow.  It gets down to 17m here on the sand.  The bommie is quite large, coming up to around 3m from the surface.  It has some wonderful trenches that run across it.  These are amazing to swim down.  Gorgonian fans were a aplenty and of course there was plenty of fish life both large and small.  I found a large carpet cod resting under a small overhang.  I would have liked to dive here more as it holds lots of promise.

Moore Reef Turtle Bay
Club 10 Millne Reef
Moore Reef - Three sisters




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This site was last updated 05/07/11