Cape Banks Caverns 25-04-09
We knew that the winds would get up but the seas
were long and low. So we headed out of Botany Bay towards our
choice. Anchoring was easy and the strong off shore wind would
push the boat out to sea when we let the anchor go. At the bottom
the long low swell had become a very big surge. We were moving up
to 2m each way in the swell. Our first encounter was with a giant
cuttle who wanted to take my camera. On this dive I had the camera
and housing only, not the strobes. This was a test dive for my new
housing. We had a nice encounter with a weedie and I got a good
shot of it in front of Wayne. A moorish idol also amused us as it
flittered about. The surge was troublesome and we bailed out more
due to that than air or no deco time. Viz was pretty average so we
weren't prepared to venture too far from the anchor.