Cape Banks Cavern 15-12-07
Cape Banks Cavern 29-7-06
Cape Banks Caverns 29-09-08
Cape Banks Caverns 24-02-07
Cape Banks Caverns 25-04-09
Cape Banks Cavern 15-12-07
Cape Banks Caverns 08-05-10
Cape Banks Caverns 08-01-11
Cape Bank Cavern 18-02-06


  December 15, 2007 we descend on Cape Banks Caverns to enjoy the swim throughs.  This is another of those great sites where there are large rock formations, swim throughs and small caves that you can swim into quite safely. You can get down to 20+ metres on the sand line or be in < 10m and have a lovely dive.  There is plenty of fish life and we enjoyed giant cuttles, mourning cuttles, sea dragons, bullseye, one eye pullers, groper, wrasse and a heap of others.  This is definitely a sight that can be dived frequently but needs a boat.

Wayne at the exit from the cavern


This site was last updated 20/11/11