Magic Point 27-10-07
Magic Point 30-06-05
Magic Point 11-02-06
Magic Point 18-02-06
Magic Point 24-09-05
Magic Point 07-10-06
Magic Point 28-12-06
Magic Point 28-04-07
Magic Point 23-06-07
Magic Point 18-08-07
Magic Point 27-10-07
Magic Point 15-12-07
Magic Point 28-06-08
Magic Point 20-09-08
Magic Point 18-10-08
Magic Point 10-01-09
Magic Point 22-02-09
Magic Point 28-03-09
Magic Point 18-04-09
Magic Point 29-08-09
Magic Point 21-11-09
Magic Point 19-12-09
Magic Point 24-04-10
Magic Point 03-07-10
Magic Point 31-07-10
Magic Point 28-08-10
Magic Point 19-02-11
Magic Point 09-04-11
Magic Point 18-06-11
Magic Point 25-06-11
Magic Point 03-09-11
Magic Point 29-10-11
Magic Point 05-11-11
Magic Point 02-06-12
Magic Point 04-08-12
Magic Point 16-02-13
Magic Point 27-04-13
Cuttle Magic Point 04-05-13
Magic Point 16-11-13
Magic Point 01-03-14
Magic Point 21-06-14
Magic Point 09-08-14
Magic Point 13-09-14
Magic Point 29-11-14


After a wonderful dive on the Annie M Miller, a shallower dive was called for.  When we arrived at Magic Point Pro Dive's big boat was preparing to leave.  It looked like a dozen or so divers on the boat had been down to visit the sharks.  The DM on boat told me they had only seen 2 GNS.  I expect the big group scared them away.

Down we went and took up our position, floating just off the bottom outside the cave.  First thing we noticed is that there were no PJs there.  Must be time for them to start leaving.  The first GNS that I saw had a fishing hook and line dangling from it's mouth.  I found this distressing and wanted to remove it, but of course that would have been impossible.  A second large GNS appeared and a few minutes later 2 smaller ones.  The cam quite close to us, I could have reached out and touched them easily. They were checking us out as we were checking them out.  I had a look above the cave where there were schools of yellowtail and stripeys.  In a very small crack was a small wobbie.  How it got in there I don't know.  Viz was not good at all - there was a lot of particles in the water making photos hard to get.


This site was last updated 05/11/11