Bare Island 18-06-05
Bare Island 8-10-05
Bare Island circumnav
Bare Isl East 4-2-06
Bare Island West 28-12-06
Bare Island Deep Wall 07-10-06
Bare Island Bommie
Bare Island West 13-03-07
Bare Island West 15-03-07
Bare Island East 15-03-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 20-10-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 21-11-07
Bare Island East 28-11-07
Bare Island West 01-12-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 22-12-07
Bare Island circumnavigate 271207
Bare Island West 281207
Bare Island West 31-12-07
Bare Island 02-01-08
Bare Island Isolated Reef 19-01-08
Bare Island West 16-02-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 12-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 15-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 19-03-08
Bare Island East 30-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 26-07-08
Bare Island Bommie 29-09-08
Bare Island West 09-11-08
Bare Island 19-11-08
Bare Island 12-11-08
Bare Island 03-12-08
Bare Island 05-01-09
Bare Island 07-01-09
Bare Island West 02-03-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 11-03-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 18-03-09
Bare Island West 03-05-09
Bare Island West 15-11-09
Bare Island West 13-12-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 30-10-10
Bare Island West 11-11-10
Deep Wall 25-11-10
Bare Island West 19-10-11
Bare Island West 16-11-11
Bare Island East 11-01-12
Bare Island Deep Wall 27-12-12
Bare Island East 28-12-12
Bare Island West 25-01-13
Bare Island Deep Wall 25-05-13


Saturday morning 15 March and Bare Island is full of scuba divers.  We plan to do the same dive as we did on Wednesday night.  We walked to the end of the island entering at the same place.  A bit further round is a large group of divers.  they enter further round to the SE.  We drop down and head south across the kelp and rocks and down the wall.  it's here that the large group of divers come at us, not from the East but from the West.  They must have headed West shallower than us, then dropped over the wall and came back at us from the East.  Makes no sense to me.  We will end up seeing the same group as we head along the North side of the reef back to the island.  We follow the wall, and drop across to the anchor which Jen now recognises.  Another 20-30m and there is the SS Minnow.  We swim in and out and around it for a few minutes and I take a pic of the hull id plate.  Then it's across the sand and up to the reef.  Around the cave where there is a nice small cuttle.  As we head back East along the reef, some of the large group pass us.  One, I think the leader is grabbing Jen's fin, freaking her out.  The same guy cuts straight across in front of me.  No idea who he was but not good etiquette.  The blue gropers were out, friendly like puppy dogs.  Jen's 10th dive and she is in double figures.

red rock cod

bow of ss minnow

SS Minnow Hull id plate

school of yellowtail


school of stripeys

Jen and groper

blue groper sans strobe


This site was last updated 13/01/12