It was a bit of a miserable day - overcast and drizzly and a bit of
wind. But given we had a club meeting we had to go over anyway.
So when we saw the millpond seas we decided to have a go. Our
encounter was with a slipper lobster - admittedly a dead one but still.
We went along the reef past the large anchor and then over the sea horse
rock. Not much to see here but we did we a moray but it snuck
away. At the end of the reef we saw a devilfish but it eluded our
cameras. Round the back of the reef the viz deteriorated a bit.
We decided to go over the reef and came across a very large shell.
Lots of photos then back over the reef and we followed the reef along
back to our starting point. It was still a bit drizzly when we got
out but we had viz around 5m which was plenty for Bare Island.
Thenit was off to the club meeting.
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