Bare Island West 16-11-11
Bare Island 18-06-05
Bare Island 8-10-05
Bare Island circumnav
Bare Isl East 4-2-06
Bare Island West 28-12-06
Bare Island Deep Wall 07-10-06
Bare Island Bommie
Bare Island West 13-03-07
Bare Island West 15-03-07
Bare Island East 15-03-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 20-10-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 21-11-07
Bare Island East 28-11-07
Bare Island West 01-12-07
Bare Island Deep Wall 22-12-07
Bare Island circumnavigate 271207
Bare Island West 281207
Bare Island West 31-12-07
Bare Island 02-01-08
Bare Island Isolated Reef 19-01-08
Bare Island West 16-02-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 12-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 15-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 19-03-08
Bare Island East 30-03-08
Bare Island Deep Wall 26-07-08
Bare Island Bommie 29-09-08
Bare Island West 09-11-08
Bare Island 19-11-08
Bare Island 12-11-08
Bare Island 03-12-08
Bare Island 05-01-09
Bare Island 07-01-09
Bare Island West 02-03-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 11-03-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 18-03-09
Bare Island West 03-05-09
Bare Island West 15-11-09
Bare Island West 13-12-09
Bare Island Deep Wall 30-10-10
Bare Island West 11-11-10
Deep Wall 25-11-10
Bare Island West 19-10-11
Bare Island West 16-11-11
Bare Island East 11-01-12
Bare Island Deep Wall 27-12-12
Bare Island East 28-12-12
Bare Island West 25-01-13
Bare Island Deep Wall 25-05-13


It was a bit of a miserable day - overcast and drizzly and a bit of wind.  But given we had a club meeting we had to go over anyway.  So when we saw the millpond seas we decided to have a go.  Our encounter was with a slipper lobster - admittedly a dead one but still.  We went along the reef past the large anchor and then over the sea horse rock.  Not much to see here but we did we a moray but it snuck away.  At the end of the reef we saw a devilfish but it eluded our cameras.  Round the back of the reef the viz deteriorated a bit.  We decided to go over the reef and came across a very large shell.  Lots of photos then back over the reef and we followed the reef along back to our starting point.  It was still a bit drizzly when we got out but we had viz around 5m which was plenty for Bare Island.  Thenit was off to the club meeting.




This site was last updated 13/01/12